
  最近在写一个德州扑克的逻辑, 抽象出问题就是: 给出2张私有牌以及5张公共牌,



  • 皇家同花顺:同花色的A、K、Q、J、10。
  • 同花顺:五张同花色的连续牌。
  • 四条:四张是相同点数的牌,第五张是随意的一张牌。
  • 葫芦:三张相同点数及任何两张其他相同点数的扑克牌组成。
  • 同花:五张不按顺序但花色相同的牌组成。
  • 顺子:五张顺序扑克牌组成。
  • 三条:三张相同点数和两张不同点数的牌组成。
  • 两对:两对点数相同但两两不同的扑克和随意的一张牌组成。
  • 对子:两张点相同的牌。
  • 高牌:既不是同一花色也不是同一点数的五张牌组成。


另外一种方法就是根据牌型从大到小去判断能否由 2+3 组成.


首先, 我们将同花这种情况独立出来, 根据私有牌组成可以判断其是否有可能组成同花.
然后, 观察两张私有牌, 然后得出其升级路线:

  • 两张私有牌之差为(0, 5), 判断其是否可能为: 皇家同花顺/同花顺/同花/顺子,
    因为只要是前面三种, 那么四条/葫芦是不可能出现的, 而且如果是顺子, 而且判断可能出现同花,

  • 两张私有牌相等, 判断其是否可能为: 四条/葫芦/同花/三条/两对/对子,
    为了加快我们的判断过程, 可以在算法启动时对公共牌进行特征分类,
    一个是其每个牌值的出现次数统计, 另外一个就是对颜色的统计

  • 其它情况, 判断其是否可能为: 四条/葫芦/同花/三条/两对/对子/高牌

需要注意的是, 路线一和路线二是互斥的, 而路线二不会到达路线三.


class ResultType(object):
    HighCard = 1  # 高牌
    SinglePair = 2  # 对子
    TwoPair = 3  # 两对
    Three = 4  # 三条
    Sequence = 5  # 顺子
    SameColor = 6  # 同花
    Gourd = 7  # 葫芦
    Four = 8  # 四条
    Flush = 9  # 同花顺
    RoyalFlush = 10  # 皇家同花顺

ResultTypeStr = ('', '高牌', '对子', '两对', '三条', '顺子', '同花', '葫芦', '四条', '同花顺', '皇家同花顺')

class TaxasSolution(object):
    def __init__(self, t, w):
        self.result_type = t
        self.origin = w
        factor = (0, 4, 8, 12, 16)
        if isinstance(w, list):
            s = 0
            for i, www in enumerate(reversed(w)):
                s += (www << factor[i])
            self.weight = s
            self.weight = w

    def __lt__(self, other):
        if self.result_type != other.result_type:
            return self.result_type - other.result_type < 0
        return self.weight - other.weight < 0

    def __gt__(self, other):
        if self.result_type != other.result_type:
            return self.result_type - other.result_type > 0
        return self.weight - other.weight > 0

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if self.result_type != other.result_type:
            return False
        return self.weight == other.weight

    def __ne__(self, other):
        if self.result_type != other.result_type:
            return True
        return self.weight != other.weight

    def __str__(self):
        out = [
            'weight is {0}'.format(self.weight),
        return '\n'.join(out)

class TaxasPlayer(CardPlayer):
    def __init__(self, cds, pub_attr):
        self.pub = pub_attr
        self.min = cds[0].value
        self.max = cds[1].value
        self.unique_type = None
        super(TaxasPlayer, self).__init__(cds)

    def init_data(self):
        if self.min == 1:
            self.min = 14
        if self.max == 1:
            self.max = 14
        if self.min > self.max:
            self.min, self.max = self.max, self.min
        if self.cards[0].type == self.cards[1].type:
            self.unique_type = self.cards[0].type

    def find_best_solution(self):
        sc = None
        if self.may_same_color() and self.pub.types_count[self.unique_type] > 2:
            w = [self.max, self.min] + self.pub.get_same_type_values(self.unique_type)
            sc = TaxasSolution(ResultType.SameColor, w)
        solution = self.step_1(sc)
        if not solution:
            solution = self.step_2(sc)
            if not solution:
                solution = self.step_3(sc)
        return solution

    def may_seq(self):
        return 0 < self.max - self.min < 5

    def may_pair(self):
        return self.max == self.min

    def may_same_color(self):
        return self.unique_type is not None

    def step_1(self, may_same_color):
        # 判断是否有顺子
        if self.may_seq():
            start, end = self.get_value_to_seq(self.min, self.max, 2, 14)
            seq_max = None
            while True:
                can_be_seq = True
                can_be_same_color = True
                for i in range(end - 4, end + 1):
                    if i == self.min or i == self.max:
                    if i not in self.pub.values:
                        can_be_seq = False
                    if can_be_same_color and may_same_color:
                        can_be_same_color = self.unique_type in self.pub.value_types[i]
                if can_be_seq:
                    if not may_same_color:
                        return TaxasSolution(ResultType.Sequence, end)
                    if can_be_same_color:
                        return TaxasSolution(ResultType.Flush, end) if \
                            end <= 2="" cardnum.card_k="" else="" taxassolution(resulttype.royalflush,="" 0)="" seq_max="seq_max" or="" end="" -="1" if="" start="" <="" 4:="" break="" seq_max:="" return="" may_same_color="" taxassolution(resulttype.sequence,="" seq_max)="" none="" def="" step_2(self,="" may_same_color):="" #="" prv:="" a="" 判断牌型="" self.may_pair():="" val="self.max" pub_val_cnt="self.pub.values.get(val," val_sum="pub_val_cnt" +="" 先判断是不是四条="" aaaab="" taxassolution(resulttype.four,="" (val="" <<="" 4)="" self.pub.max_except(val))="" solution="None" 再判断是不是葫芦:="" 要求="" 起码有三个相同的="" tmp="self.pub.values.items()" len(self.pub.values)="" 5:="" for="" card_value,="" card_count="" in="" tmp:="" card_value="=" val:="" continue="">= 3:
                        if val_sum == 3:
                            s = TaxasSolution(
                                ResultType.Gourd, (card_value << 4) + val if card_value > val \
                                    else (val << 4) + card_value)
                            return TaxasSolution(ResultType.Gourd, (card_value << 4) + val)
                    elif card_count == 2 and val_sum == 3:
                        s = TaxasSolution(ResultType.Gourd, (val << 4) + card_value)
                    solution = self.choice_solution(s, solution) if solution else s
                if solution:
                    return solution

            # 判断是不是同花
            if may_same_color:
                return may_same_color

            # 判断是不是三条
            if val_sum == 3:
                return TaxasSolution(ResultType.Three, [val] + self.pub.max_except(val, 2))

            # 判断是不是两对
            for card_value, card_count in tmp:
                if card_count == 2:
                    s = TaxasSolution(ResultType.TwoPair,
                                      [val, card_value, self.pub.max_except(card_value)] if val > card_value \
                                          else [card_value, val, self.pub.max_except(card_value)])
                    solution = self.choice_solution(s, solution) if solution else s
            if solution:
                return solution

            # 肯定是对子
            return TaxasSolution(ResultType.SinglePair, [val] + self.pub.max_n(3))

    def step_3(self, may_same_color):
        # 四条
        prv_cards = (self.min, self.max)
        tmp = self.pub.values.items()
        val_2 = val_3 = None
        for card_val, card_count in tmp:
            if card_count == 3:
                if card_val in prv_cards:
                    x = prv_cards[0] if card_val == prv_cards[1] else prv_cards[1]
                    return TaxasSolution(ResultType.Four, (card_val << 4) + x)
                    val_3 = card_val
            elif card_count == 2:
                if not val_2:
                    val_2 = card_val
                elif val_2 < card_val:
                    val_2 = card_val
        # 葫芦
        x, y = self.pub.values.get(self.min, 0) + 1, self.pub.values.get(self.max, 0) + 1
        if x == 2 and y == 3:
            return TaxasSolution(ResultType.Gourd, (self.max << 4) + self.min)
        elif x == 3 and y == 2:
            return TaxasSolution(ResultType.Gourd, (self.min << 4) + self.max)
        elif x == 3 and y == 3:
            return TaxasSolution(ResultType.Gourd, (self.max << 4) + self.min)

        if may_same_color:
            return may_same_color

        # 三条
        if x == 3:
            other = self.pub.max_except(self.min)
            return TaxasSolution(ResultType.Three,
                                 [self.min, other, self.max] if other > self.max else [self.min, self.max, other])
        elif y == 3:
            other = self.pub.max_except(self.max)
            return TaxasSolution(ResultType.Three,
                                 [self.max, other, self.min] if other > self.min else [self.max, self.min, other])
        elif val_3:
            return TaxasSolution(ResultType.Three, (val_3 << 8) + (self.max << 4) + self.min)

        # 两对
        if x == 2 and y == 2:
            return TaxasSolution(
                ResultType.TwoPair, (self.max << 8) + (self.min << 4) + self.pub.max_except_some(self.max, self.min))
        elif val_2:
            if x == 2:
                l, m = (self.min, val_2) if val_2 < self.min else (val_2, self.min)
                r = self.max
                return TaxasSolution(ResultType.TwoPair, (l << 8) + (m << 4) + r)
            elif y == 2:
                l, m = (self.max, val_2) if val_2 < self.max else (val_2, self.max)
                r = self.min
                return TaxasSolution(ResultType.TwoPair, (l << 8) + (m << 4) + r)

        # 对子
        if x == 2:
            weight = [self.max] + self.pub.max_except(self.min, 2)
            return TaxasSolution(ResultType.SinglePair, [self.min] + weight)
        elif y == 2:
            weight = [self.min] + self.pub.max_except(self.max, 2)
            return TaxasSolution(ResultType.SinglePair, [self.max] + weight)
        elif val_2:
            weight = [self.min, self.max, self.pub.max_except(val_2)]
            return TaxasSolution(ResultType.SinglePair, [val_2] + weight)
        weight = [self.max, self.min] + self.pub.max_n(3)
        return TaxasSolution(ResultType.HighCard, weight)

    def choice_solution(a, b):
        if a.result_type == b.result_type:
            return a if a.weight > b.weight else b
        return a if a.result_type > b.result_type else b

    def get_value_to_seq(num1, num2, left, right):
        if num1 > num2:
            num1, num2 = num2, num1
        diff = 5 - num2 + num1 - 1
        s = num1 - diff
        s = s < left and left or s
        e = num2 + diff
        e = e > right and right or e
        return s, e

    def __str__(self):
        card_type_str = ('', '黑桃', '红桃', '方块', '草花', '小王', '大王')
        out = []
        for card in self.cards:
            out.append('%s_%d' % (card_type_str[card.type], card.value))
        return ','.join(out)

class PubCardsAttr(object):
    def __init__(self, cds):
        self.values = {}
        self.value_types = {}
        self.sorted_values = []
        self.types_count = [0] * 7
        self.cards = cds

        for card in self.cards:
            t, v = card.type, card.value
            if v == 1:
                v = 14
            self.types_count[t] += 1
            if v < CardNum.Card_2:
                v = 14
            self.values[v] = self.values.get(v, 0) + 1
            if v not in self.value_types:
                self.value_types[v] = set()

    def cmp_card(a, b):
        av = a.value if a.value > 1 else 14
        bv = b.value if b.value > 1 else 14
        return av - bv

    def max_n(self, n):
        return self.sorted_values[:n]

    def max_except(self, n, wanted=None):
        out = []
        for i in self.sorted_values:
            if i != n:
                if not wanted:
                    return i
                if len(out) == wanted:
                    return out
        raise Exception('should not be here')

    def max_except_some(self, *args):
        for i in self.sorted_values:
            if i not in args:
                return i
        raise Exception('should not be here.')

    def get_same_type_values(self, tar):
        self.cards.sort(cmp=self.cmp_card, reverse=True)
        out = []
        for card in self.cards:
            if card.type == tar:
                if card.value == 1:
                if len(out) == 3:
        return out

    def __str__(self):
        card_type_str = ('', '黑桃', '红桃', '方块', '草花', '小王', '大王')
        out = []
        for card in self.cards:
            out.append('%s_%d' % (card_type_str[card.type], card.value))
        return ','.join(out)


在完成后, 需要使用完备的测试对其进行测试, 用例就不在这赘述了.

代码不是很完善, 还有很多可以改善的地方.